#1 Step to Supporting Thyroid Health

Aug 08, 2015

I would bet that that you or someone you know (if not several people you know) suffer from a thyroid imbalance. I know this, because nearly 20 MILLION people have a thyroid disease in the US alone – with at least half of those people totally unaware of their imbalance. What gives?

Thyroid (and endocrine) imbalances have become so rampant and common, sadly for some women starting at record young ages affecting everything from menstrual cycles to fertility.

The thyroid is so crucial in balancing a woman’s biological needs, and can directly interfere with weight loss, contribute to anxiety, mess with the delicate balance of our sex hormones (estrogen and progesterone), and everything in between from mood swings, fatigue and hunger levels.

Does it seem right that almost all thyroid diseases are treated “universally” with the same medication, just different dosing? Does it concern you that instead of digging in to the biologically unique needs for your body, a prescription is written and you are sent on your way?

Does it say anything to you that “levothyroxine” (both generic and its brand name “Synthroid”) are of the TOP 5 selling drugs in the United States? It is safe to say we have reached an epidemic and because this has been the “standard care” for thyroid imbalances, so many simply take medication without examining anything else in their body or lifestyle – and continue to feel crappy!

I know first hand how frustrating and isolating it can feel to be lost in a sea of unanswered questions afraid of where to start and what information to trust.

There are sooo many questions when faced with a thyroid disease like:

  • How did this happen?
  • Can I be cured?
  • Will I feel better after starting medication?
  • Is this why I can’t lose weight?

And after a Google search even more scary questions may arise like:

  • Is this genetic?
  • Will this affect (or has it affected) my fertility?
  • Am I on the “right” medication (natural/synthetic etc.)
  • What blood tests do I need besides TSH?

Out of all the information swirling around on the web…out of all the steps I personally took and the steps my clients personally took…the #1 most important thing you can do when diagnosed with a thyroid imbalance is to look at your DIET and LIFESTYLE. 

Examining what you are putting on and in your body (mentally and physically) is so crucial because supportive healing starts with food.

First, take a close lookif you are eating these common thyroid destroying foods in your diet and work towards eliminating them.

If you are hypothyroid (or really for anyone with a thyroid condition), you may be confused about cruciferous vegetables and what veggies you should be eating. I talk in depth about cruciferous veggies here in this past post.

We also need to consider the body care and home products you are using and if they are jammed with chemicals and endocrine disruptors. Begin to explore essential oils for body care, home and personal needs. If you are looking for the best guide to avoiding chemicals the top 12 hormone disruptors, download The EWG’s guide here.

There is so much to share when it comes to thyroid healthy foods (which are hormone healthy foods at heart) I talk about these things at great length including super foods, teas, recipes, healing elixirs and supplements in my best-selling Thyroid Makeover eCourse, but to get you started – here are a few of my favs and first steps to take.

  • Start to incorporate thyroid happy foods like coconut, healthy fats (ex: avocado), seaweeds and other mineral rich foods like brazil nuts, shiitake mushrooms, spirulina, fresh salmon, pasture raised eggs, bone broth, pumpkin seeds, spinach and a rainbow of complimentary / nutrient synergistic foods into your diet. (PS I will be talking more about the HUGE hormonal impact of nutrient synergy in next weeks newsletter, make sure you sign up for my Healthy Bits’ if we are not yet connected).
  • Begin to explore medicinal spices, roots, detoxing agents and anti-inflammatories into your diet like turmeric, cinnamon, shatavari, dandelion, ginger and burdock root. (In my Thyroid Makeover eCourse we really dig into creating what I call “healing thyroid elixirs” and consuming them daily).
  • Another big mineral to consider is magnesium and increasing magnesium rich foods. Magnesium and minerals are so crucial to thyroid health, and are the most common form of deficiency. Read why magnesium is especially important if you have an endocrine related imbalance here in this post.

This is just the beginning of how food can transform your thyroid symptoms and support your well-being with food, but it is hands-down the #1 best place to begin a healing transformation.




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